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Êtes-vous prêts à entrer dans l'univers "Born to be magic"?

La vie est un don pas une promesse, ce qui compte est ce que l'on fait et laisse derrière soi.


Between the close-up and the great illusion, this scenic show  is a tribute, a memory full of nostalgia, that accompanies you from the past to today. This show amazes both kids and grownups. When the magic of the old times reaches our contemporary world, it’s time to close your eyes and picture an authentic cabaret show … Crazy cards with floating balls and rings that disappear. An interactive show with great sounds and lights that will accompany you in an unforgettable moment in which time stands still. Finally a show in which the members of the audience turn into actors! A journey through imagination in which you will be guided by humour and poetry! Are you ready to come onboard?