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Êtes-vous prêts à entrer dans l'univers "Born to be magic"?

La vie est un don pas une promesse, ce qui compte est ce que l'on fait et laisse derrière soi.

Close-up Act

Intimate show with Éric Borner performing his tricks a few centimeters away from you and your guests. Eric proposes a sequence of visual tricks in an original show moving from one table to the next. An amazing blend of impromptu magic, telekinesis, hypnosis and pickpocketing that will never stop amazing and enchanting you. Imagine the amazement of your guests when the most common objects take life between Eric’s fingers in the midst of a fairy dance. From the trapped cell phone to the living tattoo with Eric reading your mind live, let him lead and travel with him! An original performance with ever new and customizable tricks that can last for as long as you decide depending on your needs and your desires.